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[jaxrs-dev] Review of Platform TCK removal of duplicate RESTful Web Services tests


We need to verify that the Jakarta EE 10 Platform requirements for use of RESTful Web Services API are met by reviewing the  [1] pull request.  Comment [2] has a copy of the Platform requirements.  In summary, every Jakarta EE 10 implementation must pass the Standalone RESTful Web Services TCK which validates that the EE Servlet container can use the the RESTful Web Services API. 

Any contributor in the community, can review the [1] pull request and provide feedback there (or ask questions there).  Any feedback provided here in response to this email is not considered part of the pull request review.

Please note that the Platform TCK still contains tests that were not migrated to the new Standalone RESTful Web Services TCK.  While those tests are not duplicate, feedback on whether to keep those or also remove those is welcome.  The reason to give feedback on those tests is that the RESTful Web Services SPEC team still needs to maintain their tests that are in the Platform TCK (e.g. post release effort is mostly in handling TCK challenges and updating tests for future EE releases).  Discussion on the Platform tests (not deleted) is welcome in the [1] issue.

Thanks all,


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