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Re: [jaxrs-dev] [External] : Broken spec documents

Ah, thanks, Ed.

On 2/9/21 6:07 PM, Ed Bratt wrote:

The very first collection of specs for Jakarta EE 8 are almost all this way. There wasn't enough schedule time to migrate the Spec. documents when we released Jakarta EE 8. The first Jakarta EE 8 specifications consisted of: The Spec. document with only a "scope statement" (the text you see in the introduction text), the JavaDocs and the TCK. Readers can refer to the prior specification produced under the JCP if necessary. In the case of Jakarta RESTful web services, that would be JAX-RS 2.1, available from the JCP, here.

-- Ed

On 2/9/2021 2:59 PM, Ron Sigal wrote:
The HTML and PDF spec documents on;!!GqivPVa7Brio!L8Gqj3-MU3eOmeXy_HG5ADJjAVYqAb-UwF_X0Y6LCm-2bJQ7L6KQqDSE21FUCjw$  end with Section 1. "Introduction" ...

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