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[jaxrs-dev] Fwd: [jakartaee-platform-dev] VOTE: backward compatibility for descriptor schemas


From the Jakarta REST perspective, the below discussion is about making the Spec dependent on Jakarta Servlet 5.0 only, and dropping the pre-Servlet 3.0 discussion from Section 2.3.2.

-- Jan

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Subject: [jakartaee-platform-dev] VOTE: backward compatibility for descriptor schemas
Date: 	Tue, 21 Jan 2020 11:53:47 -0800
From: 	Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: jakartaee-platform developer discussions <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> To: jakartaee-platform developer discussions <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

After the discussion in today's meeting, I agreed to send out a list
of alternatives and ask for votes. We'll tally the votes and make a
decision in next week's meeting.

Here's the alternatives we're considering:

1. Support for Jakarta EE 8 and earlier schemas is *optional* in
Jakarta EE 9 products.

2. Support for Jakarta EE 8 and earlier schemas is *required* in
Jakarta EE 9 products.

3. Support for Jakarta EE 8 *but not* earlier schemas is *required* in
Jakarta EE 9 products; support for schemas earlier than Jakarta EE 8
is *optional* in Jakarta EE 9 products.

I'm not going to reiterate the pros and cons, but if you have any questions
about why or why not to support one of these options, let me know.

Note that the "earlier" criteria can be somewhat confusing since not all
schemas were updated in Jakarta EE 8 (really Java EE 8) so some of the
"most current" schemas are from Java EE 7 or earlier. In such cases these
would still be considered Jakarta EE 8 schemas.

I'm sure there are other alternatives that are possible, but I don't think
we need to make this more complex at this point.

Vote now! We'll decide next week.


Bill Shannon wrote on 1/20/20 12:38 PM:
We need to update all the descriptor schemas to switch to a new URL.
What should we do about support for the old schemas?

Should we handle this just like support for the old package names and
leave it to products to decide whether or not to support the old schemas?

Or should we continue to require that products support all the old schemas
as well as the new version?

At first it seemed simpler and cleaner if new products with no need for
backward compatibility could just support the new schema. But just like
in the past, the schemas will continue to evolve as the specs evolve and
products will need to be able to support multiple schemas. So, in the
long run, it's not clear this really saves a lot for new products.

I guess I'm inclined to say that products must support all defined versions
of the schema and this is not a "backward compatibility" issue.

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