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Re: [jaxrs-dev] Clarification regarding Application subclass instantiation

Note that it does not automatically imply anything to the application programmer (he still can decide to NOT use or support CDI), nor that Jersey must support CDI outside of GlassFish.


>… So "in a product that supports CDI" ("GlassFish, Payara, WebSphere, …"), an implementation ("CXF, Jersey, RESTEasy, …") "MUST support the use of CDI-style Beans as root resource classes providers and Application subclasses."  I've got my answer; thanks!


But keep in mind the case NOT covered here: Jersey is still free to NOT support CDI completely once it is run standalone OR integrated in a non-CDI compliant product, and still application subclasses do not need to be CDI compliant at all, which means, even on GlassFish with CDI-autoenabled Jersey simply CANNOT create an application instance of that subclass. So still your original question is answered as: No, there is NO force for Jersey to create application instances by CDI in general. You MUST NOT pick that particular special case from the spec and declare it as the general case.



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