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Re: [jaxrs-dev] EMO Clarifications

Hi Markus,

thanks a lot for sharing these details. This is really helpful. 

But I have one question. Wayne just posted this statement about the "Signed-Off-By" line for non project committers:

The author has an ECA and that the author's email address matches the email address in the Signed-off-by entry and the email address that we have associated with the contributor's Eclipse Foundation account.

This differs from your description:

Despite what the manual actually says, the Eclipse IP-validation bot expects to find the Github ID in the signed-off-by line

And I'm pretty sure that the "Signed-Off-By" line I included in Jersey pull request doesn't contain my GitHub username but only my full name and email address. Or am I getting something wrong here?


Am Mi., 3. Okt. 2018 um 18:43 Uhr schrieb Markus KARG <markus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Dear Committers and Project Leads,


the EF's rules are all new to most of us, so we did some things more or less wrong in the past months. As we are all willing to improve, I asked the EMO for clarifications. So please find the below information. :-)


* Committers do not need sign-off


Committers do not need the signed-off-by line in git's commit comments in their own projects. Only contributors need that, including certainly committers of JAX-RS when committing to other projects where they are not committers.


* sign-off actually needs Github ID not clear text user name


Despite what the manual actually says, the Eclipse IP-validation bot expects to find the Github ID in the signed-off-by line, not the clear text name. I already reported this as a bug to the eclipse admins, but for the time being, note that IP-validation will actually fail otherwise. This was a source of ongoing pain in the past months.


* CQs are not needed for new versions of Maven plugins


All Maven plugins (also other build-/test-only tools) have been approved by the EMO, independent of their version. As long as we do not pack these plugins into our own artifacts, we can switch to newer versions without informing the EMO. For unambiguous documentation, I asked the EMO to fix their records to include the line "x.y.z AND ALL LATER VERSION".


* Service Releases do not need reviews


If we only fixed bugs, and if we only increase the third part of the version number (x.y.Z), we may immediately release and do not need to ask for a review or approval. Whether we release or not such Service Releases is up to the committers to decide. As an immediate reaction I already have set up a PR for 2.1.2 so committers can approve or reject. As some PMC members are JAX-RS committers, they automatically get informed and can approve or reject the release.


Hope things are more clear now. :-)




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