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Re: [jaxrs-dev] Committer Conventions


(1) Minimum Length of review period before merge / close of PR


We should define an aboslute minimum review period so all interested committers had a fair chance to review / vote on each PR before it gets finally merged / closed. Current proposal is one week. A shorter period makes it unnecessarily hard for some committers to review (e. g. when on business travel). A longer period reduces overall agility of the project a lot, particularly when subsequent PRs are interrelated / ontop of each other, hence slows down authors.


Santiago: The problem with 1 week is that someone could easily be out on vacation etc. for that period. How would you feel is something you care about is proposed and merged before you get back? I think in needs to be more than a week.


Markus: I see your point and share the same feeling. But on the other hand, after contributing to lots of open source projects in the past decades, I need to say that I never had seen such a long minimum PR review time, and never really experienced that this was a _real_ problem. In the end, the idea we have at the EF is to speed up project performance tremendously, and this certainly means that the committers have to be much more agile in future. It might imply that we have to either clarify our intentions before we leave on vacation, or we have to live with the outcome, or we have to check our mails one per week. Comparing my industrial projects with my open source projects, I need to say that open source a bit means to give up control and let the sum of the other committers take care. If I have the fear that they all will vote +1 and I am the only -1 then maybe they simply are right.




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