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Re: [jaxrs-dev] Round of Introductions


Nice to see some familiar names here!

Let me introduce myself as well then. My name is Arjan Tijms and I'm a long time Java EE user. I co-founded the OmniFaces project and I'm one of the admins for the Java EE Samples project. I've also been a Mojarra committer for some time and was on the JSF and Java EE Security EGs. I work for Payara as a tech lead, where we are preparing for the Payara 5 release.

I've used JAX-RS as an application developer, and now as JAX-RS and Jersey committer I'm specifically interested in more tightly specifying the security backbone of JAX-RS and aligning it as well as can be with CDI. The latter is important for the MVC spec as well, as that one is CDI-first too if I'm not mistaken.

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

On Sat, Feb 17, 2018 at 2:25 PM, Christian Kaltepoth <christian@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. Even though I'm not (yet) a committer. :-)

My name is Christian Kaltepoth. I'm specification lead for JSR 371 (MVC 1.0) and also was in the EG for JSR 380 (Bean Validation 2.0). As MVC 1.0 is built on top of JAX-RS, I'm very interested in JAX-RS's future. As part of my work on MVC 1.0 many JAX-RS related issues came up, which I reported to the JAX-RS EG. Unfortunately most of them are still unresolved and I would love to help getting them fixed.

Beside that I'm also using JAX-RS almost daily in my job, so I have quite some experience with the API and know about the good parts and what could be improved. ;-)




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