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Re: [jaxb-dev] What could be the possible cause of these XML Binding 4.0 tests?

I think we figured it out but more details will be in a TCK challenge for these two tests.  

On Wed, Oct 25, 2023, 11:56 AM Scott Marlow <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Lukas,

I'm seeing the following failure after we removed Xerces jar from WildFly:

Oct 23, 2023, 6:09:56 PM Finished
Failed. compilation did not fail as expected
Pass: 5,321 Fail: 1 Error: 0 Not-Run: 19,304

Oct 23, 2023, 6:12:01 PM Finished
Failed. compilation did not fail as expected
Pass: 5,554 Fail: 2 Error: 0 Not-Run: 19,070

We change our TCK configuration to not depend on xerces which should
be fine but we do get the above failure.

We are including the codemodel-4.0.1.jar,
istack-commons-runtime-4.1.1.jar, istack-commons-tools-4.1.1.jar,
jaxb-core-4.0.1.jar, jaxb-jxc-4.0.1.jar, jaxb-runtime-4.0.1.jar,
jaxb-xjc-4.0.1.jar, relaxng-datatype-4.0.1.jar, rngom-4.0.1.jar,
txw2-4.0.1.jar, xsom-4.0.1.jar as well as the Activation SPEC API +
Angus activation jar on the classpath.  We aren't including the
jaxb-impl jar which I see that the jaxb-ri ci does include.  The above
failures occur on both Java SE 11 + 17.

Any idea why the above tests would not validate the input as expected?
 Any suggestions for log tracing or whatever to help us see if the
schema validation is occurring or not?

Also can you please confirm why
should fail as well to ensure we are on track to finding the cause?


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