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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] TCK-1773 review user_guides/platform/src/main/asciidoc/rules-wp.adoc

This should be matching the "Web Profile Definition" from:

In the TCK guide we should augment this to indicate which test
artifacts/standalone TCKs apply to each component spec.

On Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 9:56 AM Ed Burns via jakartaee-tck-dev
<jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This issues calls for a close review of `user_guides/platform/src/main/asciidoc/rules-wp.adoc`. As the assignee and release-co-coordinator, I'm using this thread to seek help to do the best job.
> My first question: How do I derive the correct, current content of this list, currently around line 357:
> ```
> EE-WP21 Compliance testing for Jakarta EE {tck_version} Web Profile consists of running
> the Jakarta EE {tck_version} Web Profile TCK tests and the following Technology
> Compatibility Kits (TCKs). Version details are defined in the Platform EE Specification document (, see heading 'Web Profile Definition', sub-heading 'Required Components':
> * Jakarta Authentication
> * Jakarta Bean Validation
> * Jakarta Concurrency
> * Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection
> * Jakarta Debugging Support for Other Languages
> * Jakarta Dependency Injection
> * Jakarta Faces
> * Jakarta JSON Binding
> * Jakarta JSON Processing
> * Jakarta RESTful Web Services
> * Jakarta Security
> ```
> This list does seem shorter than I think it should be.
> Thanks,
> Ed
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