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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Please respond with (short) status of your Jakarta EE 11 TCK refactoring efforts...

still have my todo to create a PR for the openrewrite framework project to the tools repo. I am trying to get that done this week.
Then I will look at applying it to the stateless EJB tests to look into the question about vehicles raised on the last call.

On Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 7:59 AM Scott Marlow via jakartaee-tck-dev <jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm going to report on our EE 11 TCK status tomorrow at the Jakarta EE Working group meeting.  Even if you are blocked on other work but do intend to contribute to the [1] tckrefactor branch, please respond with your status as to what you are doing or that you are blocked currently.

Some recent pull requests/changes made this year already:

1. Servlet TCK refactor with JUnit + Arquillian (multiple pull requests).
2.  General cleanup [2] (one of many pull requests for cleanup + restructuring).
3.  EL test changes for running with JUnit [3]. 
4.  Websocket TCK refactor with JUnit + Arquillian [4].
5.  JSP TCK refactor with JUnit + Arquillian [5] is not yet merged.
6.  JMS TCK refactor with JUnit + Arquillian [6] is not yet merged.
7.  Pending remaining work to automate conversion of Platform TCK tests [1] to use JUnit + Arquillian [7][8] (adding main driver is blocked on myself).


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