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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] [External] : Jaxrs tck artifacts not existing in tckrefactor branch


On Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 4:24 PM Alwin Joseph <alwin.joseph@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Olivier,


You are right about jakarta-restful-ws-tck jar not being present in maven central or jakarta staging .


  1. The module glassfish-runner/jaxrs-tck was created to run the standalone Jakarta Rest TCK independently and is not related to other modules in platform TCK anymore after the sources were migrated. The sources for the TCK zip/jar is present at As per the README (which needs update too) the zip need to be downloaded and jar need to be maven installed before running the tck using pom.xml.
    But please feel free to edit it to run it in a profile so it does not run by default. I think it is also fine to skip the standalone tck runs from glassfish-runner/ module as they do not have the sources in platform tck repository. They are essentially created for glassfish certification jobs and need not be run by default.

All good thanks for the link.  I can temporary add a simple script which wget && unzip before the build.
  1. We have an open issue where we are planning to publish the latest jakarta-restful-ws-tck jar (patch release) to maven. I am working on the same.


Thanks & Regards,
Alwin Joseph


From: jakartaee-tck-dev <jakartaee-tck-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Olivier Lamy <olamy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, 20 April 2023 at 9:30 AM
To: jakartaee-tck developer discussions <jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [External] : [jakartaee-tck-dev] Jaxrs tck artifacts not existing in tckrefactor branch


I was looking at the poms to cleanup some duplicate entries etc..

But I have a problem with this dependency:


Which is something such:




but this artifact is not available in Maven central or the jakarta staging (there is 3.1.3 but no jar only pom and zip).


My idea for now is to have this module in a profile so it doesn't run per default.

But it would be good to have it (not sure who could deploy this artifact?)





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