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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] More attention appreciated on the changes, especially around requiring EE 10 Platform implementations to pass Debugging Other Languages TCK, Activation TCK, Standalone Mail TCK...

On Mon, Jun 27, 2022, 3:02 PM Scott Marlow <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Please take a look at changes in [1] if you haven't yet. 

Both GlassFish 7 and WildFly are passing the Debugging TCK [2], hopefully other implementations are passing that as well.

Sadly, WildFly seems to get a JPMS load failure when running the Activation TCK [3].  I created a TCK challenge for that via [4] which we are discussing (thanks Lukas for the quick response). 

Activation TCK is now passing for me locally with WildFly now, looking happy now!

I understand that GlassFish 7 has already passed the Mail TCK [5] but I am not sure if any other EE implementations have passed that yet.  Feedback from other EE 10 (in progress) implementations appreciated!



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