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[jakartaee-tck-dev] Input on user requirements for specifying Specification/Javadoc assertions...

As a TCK user, I am interested in reading the identified Specification/Javadoc text that the test was written to validate.  I'm not especially interested in how the Jakarta EE development process deals with finalizing the specifics of mapping internal ID codes to the Specification/Javadoc sections, although I am interested in having the unique ID code perhaps for reporting

For example, Jakarta Persistence 3.1 is adding AutoCloseable enhancement to EntityManager/EntityManagerFactory interfaces which is tested by [1].  The relevant JavaDoc will be generated from [2][3] and published to [4].  But what process should the TCK test contributor follow to generate a new file for EE 10?  Should they (or someone) start creating a new api-assertions-3_1.html file via the instructions mentioned in [1]?  Or could they manually create the api-assertions-3_1.html (or spec-assertions-3.1.html) file?

I started a blank wiki page [5] for documenting the answer, based on your feedback.



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