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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Reminder: Platform TCK call -- Sept 8, 7 AM EST + 5 PM EST

Hi Cesar,

There are two calls. 
One at 7AM EST and one at 5PM EST. Both are displayed correctly in the public calendar as far as I can see.
Pick the one that suits your timezone the best.


On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 8:06 PM Cesar Hernandez <chernandez@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Scott,

Reminder, we have a TCK call Wednesday September 8, 7 AM EST (calendar link)
It seems the calendar invite was set up for 7 PM EST, not 7 AM EST, can you please confirm which is the correct time?

On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 1:26 PM Scott Marlow <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Reminder, we have a TCK call Wednesday September 8, 7 AM EST (calendar link)


Meeting agenda and notes: here (please add more items or email them to me to add). 

Please also note that the second call on Wednesday September 8 will be at 5 PM EST.

I will let you into the meeting room, so please use your real name when connecting to the Zoom call.  I will also be in the TCK Slack room (alt Slack link) as well if you need to reach me during the call if you cannot join the room for some reason. 


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Ivar Grimstad

Jakarta EE Developer Advocate | Eclipse Foundation Eclipse Foundation - Community. Code. Collaboration. 

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