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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] update on Jakarta EE 9.1 + SigTest changes


The change is still looking good, we have been asked to describe the change in the README which I just pushed.  We have also been asked to add a unit test which seems reasonable.  I will work on that today.


On 4/9/21 1:48 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:


I finished testing the fix [1] change using WildFly (using JDK 11, 16, 17 early release) and passed (see comment with summary of testing on [1] which also describes GlassFish testing)!  The pending pull request [2] has not yet been merged.  Since `jtulach/netbeans-apitest` is already used by other Eclipse projects, I should be able to file a CQ that piggy backs on another CQ for bring the `jtulach/netbeans-apitest` produced `sigtest` fork into the Platform TCK project.

If [2] doesn't get merged in time for Jakarta EE 9.1, we could consider tagging a release off of, hopefully that won't be needed but we should still consider that.

Once we have `sigtest` jars that include [2], we can create a Jakarta EE Platform TCK pull request that includes the [3] branch changes.

Solving [1] will allow EE implementations to be able to run TCK signature tests on later JDK releases using signature map files written for the base JDK version (e.g. JDK 8 for Jakarta EE 9.1).  We also will only need a set of signature files for the base JDK version (e.g. se11 signature map files are removed from [3]).



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