Thanks Scott.
I’ll start the process. We can always cuts an RC2 if small changes are needed before we do final.
+1 for cutting a public RC1 for Jakarta 9.1 release purposes.
I think the remaining TCK changes expected (EJB + Signature test library, doc) are not expected to cause GlassFish to see any TCK test regressions. When
we have the TCK changes completed in a few weeks for Jakarta EE 9.1, we will want to run TCK testing again before we actually merge the changes in, to ensure that the TCK tests have not been broken by changes made.
On 3/30/21 8:58 AM, Steve Millidge (Payara) wrote:
Has GlassFIsh 6.1 now successfully passed the web profile and full profile CTS? I’m looking at
Jakarta EE 9.1 TCK results · eclipse-ee4j/jakartaee-tck Wiki ( and trying to interpret the results.
Should I kick off cutting a public RC1 for Jakarta 9.1 release purposes?
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