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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] [External] : Please give your estimate of when you will complete your tasks for Jakarta EE 9.1 TCKs ...

On 3/19/21 11:39 AM, David Blevins wrote:
If we're releasing a new spec, we should release a new TCK so the versions match.

I think that the below question is  referring to the various Standalone TCKs.  The SPEC APIs are not changing for Jakarta EE 9.1.  I think if they were, the various SPEC APIs version would be incremented (e.g. Servlet would change from 5.0 to 5.1).

But since Servlet is still going to be 5.0, the Standalone Servlet TCK will still use the 5.0.x versioning as per our current versioning scheme. 

Make sense?  If not, IMO we should break off the versioning discussion into a new thread on the Platform mailing list.


David Blevins

On Mar 19, 2021, at 6:49 AM, Lukas Jungmann <lukas.jungmann@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


  is It a requirement to release new TCK if the existing 9.0 one can be used `as is`?


On 3/19/21, 2:44 PM, "Scott Marlow" <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

   On March 23, I will give the Jakarta EE Platform team a schedule update on when the Jakarta EE Platform TCK changes for 9.1 will be complete.  Obviously, we need to be passing all optional/required TCKs tests before releasing 9.1 final (including BV, CDI, JAF, MAIL TCKs).
   My ask for you is to let me know before March 23 your estimate of when you will have completed your TCK tasks for EE 9.1.

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