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[jakartaee-tck-dev] For the EE 9.1 release, please report TCK failure issues in the GlassFish tracker...


To ensure that the GlassFish team knows about each TCK test failure that may need to be fixed in the GlassFish server, please start with creating an issue in and follow up with an email to the jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx mailing list to mention the GlassFish issue link. 

If you do know that the TCK test failure is caused by a bug in the TCK test, then please do create a tracking issue in and use the 9.1 label.

The above was briefly discussed in the Platform call today and no one objected.  Having said that, please do continue to do what you think makes sense (e.g. discuss the failure with others on relevant mailing lists to get a better understand of the failure if needed).  What I am saying is that not every failure may be obvious if it is a GlassFish bug or TCK test bug, so please take the best approach that you can.


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