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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] [glassfish-dev] GlassFish Passing the TCK

This is a great milestone! Congratulations to all the implementation and specification project teams, on getting this far. We're not done yet, but it's a good achievement.

I'd suggest we start producing RCs -- either with each weekly build, or weekly if there are changes to GlassFish. I suspect there will still be some API JAR updates. Maybe also some changes from dependent implementations as well.

Using the weekly builds would give everyone a target, if they need to make changes that need to consolidate across multiple projects -- and any remaining project that needs to refer to GlassFish as it's compatible implementation can use those RCs in their certification requests, knowing they will be kept forever.

Of course, we could use any build, but in my experience, weekly provides a good target for the broader community to aim at.

(my 2 pence worth, anyway)

Well Done!

-- Ed

On 10/15/2020 2:13 AM, Steve Millidge (Payara) wrote:

Hi All,


Are we in agreement that GlassFish is currently passing the Full and Web Profile TCKs, the CDI TCKs and the other standalone TCKs?


Is it consensus view that we should tag a new milestone or RC for GlassFish or shall we wait for the TCK runs on Monday?


Summary  test results




Combined run of Full Profile

Combined Run of Web Profile


and my understanding is that we also don’t have standalone failures suggest that we are passing all tests at the moment.





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