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[jakartaee-tck-dev] Resource Pack Allocations & Maximizing Use (was: TCK "Promotion")

> On Aug 6, 2020, at 10:20 AM, Scott Marlow <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 8/6/20 11:41 AM, Scott Stark wrote:
>> The costs were based on last year's EE8 push. It was simply the maximum peak resource utilization. We have no insight into any details of the costs.
> Thanks Scott, that is very helpful to know.

I clarified/confirmed a few things on today's Steering Committee call so I could come back with some guidance.

Over all of EE4J we have 105 resource packs paid for that give us a total of 210 cpu cores and 840 GB RAM.  These resource packs are dedicated, not elastic.  The actual allocation of 105 resource packs is by project.  The biggest allocation is 50 resource packs to ee4j.jakartaee-tck (this project), the second biggest is 15 resource packs to ee4j.glassfish.

The most critical takeaway from the above is we have 50 resource packs dedicated to this project giving us a total of 100 cores and 400GB ram at our disposal 24x7.  These 50 are bought and paid for -- we do not save money if we don't use them.

Where that leaves us is we should potentially be saturating our nodes with builds to get the most value out of the resources we have.

Based on today's Steering Committee discussion we've let Eclipse Infra team know that we may be doing work to attempt to saturate/maximize our use and to not allocate more resource packs:


That should give us the ability to push the limits without incurring more cost.

There is a separate issue that would hopefully allow us to monitor usage so we know how idle we are, but that is likely not near term:


With all that mind, consider this an explicit green light to:

 - increase frequency and add more builds to
 - deliberately try to saturate the nodes to get a feel for capacity
 - any other experimentation that can help us maximize resource usage

David Blevins

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