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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Unable to access jarfile in test run is the issue for this bug.

On 6/17/20 12:16 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:

On 6/17/20 9:43 AM, Gurkan Erdogdu wrote:
I noticed that there is a ts_dep in path.
there is no such ts_dep directory in the dist/ folder. Who is adding ts_dep?

Good catch.

I'm looking for ts_dep in output from:

git diff --no-ext-diff --unified=0 8.0.2 HEAD --no-ext-diff > allchanges.diff  (see for partial output related to #1 below).

Some references of note:

1. src/com/sun/ts/lib/implementation/sun/javaee/glassfish/ removed getClientClassPath() which was hard coded to return empty string since ./jakartaeetck/bin/xml/impl/glassfish/s1as.xml handles passing generated jar with EJB stubs to the Appclient Main class.  Still, there could of been a side effect of calling the getClientClassPath() that I missed when removing this method (as part of dropped Jakarta Deployment).

Here is a side effect that was deleted, creating the ts_dep folder:

-    File ctsDeployDir = new File(sTSDeploymentDir);
-    // we should only be calling this method with archives that contain an
-    // appclient
-    if (!ctsDeployDir.exists()) {
-      if (!ctsDeployDir.mkdir()) {

2.  src/com/sun/ts/lib/implementation/sun/javaee/ was removed, it also had a getClientClassPath() method that used Jakarta Deployment calls to determine the return the jar with eJB stubs, but was hard coded to return empty string also.  There could of been a side effect of calling the getClientClassPath() that I missed when removing this class that was mostly depending on Jakarta deployment (as part of dropped Jakarta Deployment).

I propose that we add back in the side effects from #1, like creating the ts_dep folder.

I'll create an issue for this.



On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 2:35 PM Alwin Joseph <alwin.joseph@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:alwin.joseph@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    We are getting errors similar to below during several of the test runs.

        [runcts] OUT => [javatest.batch] Error: Unable to access jarfile /root/jakartaeetck/bin/xml/../../dist/com/sun/ts/tests/samples/ejb/ee/simpleHello/ts_dep/ejb_sam_HelloClient.jar         [runcts] OUT => [javatest.batch] Failed. unexpected exit code: exit code 1

    The logs with this error are in [1] for sample test runs , [2] for


    Thanks & Regards,
    Alwin Joseph

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Gurkan Erdogdu

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