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[jakartaee-tck-dev] Help needed for TCK test



Now we are conducting TCK test and met some question which need your help. I don’t know whether you are right owner to this. If not, please help forward to right owner.


Background: We are testing application server with jakarta-jakartaeetck-8.0.2 and failure happened when we are executing interop testcase. Detail as below:

Test environment was set up based on requirement of guideJakarta-EE-TCK-Users-Guide.pdfclause5.3.1 Jakarta Platform, Enterprise Edition Server Configuration Scenariosand ‘5.3.4 Configuring a Jakarta Platform, Enterprise Edition CI and VI for Interop/Rebuildable Tests’ as below screenshot1. Then we executed testcasecom.sun.ts.tests.interop.ejb.entity.bmp.clientviewtest.,but test result is failed. We suspect the possible root cause and question need your help here:


  • Possible root cause: Below step5 of 5.3.4 requests add <JAVAEE_HOME>/glassfish/modules/ejb-container.jar to server’s CLASSPATH, but ejb-contianer.jar might need support from other class which our server doesn’t have.
  • Question need your help: do we have to add ejb-container.jar to server’s CLASSPATH for testcase? If yes, is it necessary we also have to add all other jars of glassfish5 to CLASSPATH in order to successfully run testcase?


Any comments from you will be highly appreciated.

Thank you!


5. Add <JAVAEE_HOME>/glassfish/modules/ejb-container.jar to your application server’s CLASSPATH. This JAR file is part of the Jakarta Enterprise Beans interoperability architecture. It contains implementations of the required system value classes.







Best Regards

Bruce Liu 

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