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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Release of 8.0.2 platform TCK...

Scott Marlow wrote on 1/7/20 12:32 PM:
> On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 2:29 PM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Scott.  Does "I would like to see" mean "I'm going to do it" or does
>> it mean "I hope someone else will do it for me"?
> Hi Bill.  I would like to do the parts that are possible for me to do.


> Is
> the best job to release the
>  I assume the references in that job need to be updated to refer to
> the 8.0.2 platform TCK + effected standalone TCKs
> (connector,jacc,jaspic,securityapi,websocket).
> Should I also run
>  I will update that to also reference the 8.0.2 zips.
I think one of those was supposed to be "eftl".

I don't really know about those jobs.  We need to get advice from one of the CTS
experts, perhaps Bhat?

> I will also create a pull request similar to


> Anything else?

I think that's the end of what you need to (or can) do.

Separately, related to the conversation in your bug report, we need to decide
what exactly it is your PR is going to do.  If you just update the exclude list,
I think were fine, but I think the platform project team needs to approve that

The code changes should probably be queued up for the eventual 9.0.0 release
(since we won't be doing an 8.1.0 release of the platform).  I'm not sure if
we have a good way to queue such changes so they're not lost, perhaps by
creating an appropriately tagged issue, perhaps by creating a branch that can
be merged in the future, perhaps by starting a complete 9.0.0 branch now.  I
think this TCK project group needs to decide how to handle this.

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