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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] WebSocket 1.1 test bucket

Hi Kevin,

I thought we have discussed this before:

Basically, it's easy to see whether the full Jakarta EE TCK contains all the Websocket 1.1 tests:

1) While the changes in the API were minimal, the Websocket 1.0 TCK test coverage was sub-optimal, it contained only 262 total tests. The test coverage was enhanced for Websocket TCK 1.1, which contained 664 tests. Currently, running ant list.tests in the jakarta ee tck ( websocket source folder, it shows 745 tests, which suggests all the Websocket 1.1 tests are included + some more.

2) Jakarta EE TCK contains tests in src/com/sun/ts/tests/websocket/ee/javax/websocket/session11 folder. Those (among others) were not in Websocket 1.0 TCK, yet.

There is no test in the standalone TCK that should not be a part of full Jakarta EE TCK. So, it should be enough to run the full Jakarta EE TCK without the standalone TCK, imho. Depends on what the spec process defines.

Running full Jakarta EE TCK is better than the standalone TCK. The standalone TCK does not contain the Websocket-CDI integration tests that are part of Jakarta EE TCK for instance.



On 27.08.2019 21:18, Kevin Sutter wrote:
Thanks, Joakim, for the background on the WebSocket 1.1 update.  I'm assuming there were additional or modified TCK tests to help verify these two additional methods?  Thus, the changes to the WebSocket 1.1 TCK are probably minimal, correct?

In any case, I'm still most interested in understanding which WebSocket TCK buckets are required to claim Jakarta EE 8 compliance.  Thanks.

Kevin Sutter
STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect
e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)

From: Joakim Erdfelt <joakim.erdfelt@xxxxxxxxx>
To: jakartaee-tck developer discussions <jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 08/27/2019 12:55 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] WebSocket 1.1 test bucket
Sent by: jakartaee-tck-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

I'm not going to comment about the TCK, but at least I can give some background / history on websocket.

The difference between websocket 1.0 and websocket 1.1 is the addition of 2 methods (to make lambda support possible).

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The websocket project has 2 artifacts.

The jakarta.websocket-client-api-<ver>.jar

This is a client only JAR, for working with standalone websocket clients (not affiliated with a EE container)

The jakarta.websocket-api-<ver>.jar

This is the server + client API, and is also not affiliiated with a EE container.

The Jakarta WebSocket API has no dependency on any other Jakarta EE project.

There should (eventually) be 4 different forms of testing to know if you conform to the Jakarta WebSocket API.

 1. Server WebSockets in a Servlet container
 2. Server WebSockets not in an Servlet container. (this exists)
 3. Client WebSockets in standalone environment with no EE components.
 4. Client WebSockets as accessed from within a Servlet container.

Any other tests with Jakarta WebSocket API in the mix (such as CDI or security) is out of scope for the Jakarta WebSocket project.

My understanding of the existing TCK tests is that performs a API signature test and performs the suite of tests from #1 and #4 above.

- Joakim Erdfelt
Jakarta WebSocket co-lead

On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 11:34 AM Kevin Sutter <_sutter@xxxxxx.com_ <mailto:sutter@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
As we're running the Jakarta EE 8 test buckets, I started to question why we're running the standalone WebSocket 1.1 bucket in addition to what's contained in the overall TCK bucket (  According to the Jakarta EE 8 TCK User's Guide, WebSocket 1.1 is supposed to be part of the overall bucket (section 1.2.1).  But, the claim from my testers is that the tests in the overall bucket are for WebSocket 1.0.  Since we also provide a WebSocket 1.1 implementation, we are running the standalone WebSocket 1.1 bucket in addition to the full bucket.

Can someone shed some light on this?  Does the overall TCK bucket contain tests for WebSocket 1.1?  Or, are we supposed to run the standalone 1.1 bucket?  I looked at the CR for the Platform and I don't see where WebSocket 1.1 is executed separately.  Thanks!

Kevin Sutter
STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect
e-mail: _sutter@xxxxxx.com_ <mailto:sutter@xxxxxxxxxx>    Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)
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