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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] [jakartaee-spec-project-leads] Running through CTS pipeline job setup

I had the same thing and it was either because the ts.jte replacement is slightly different than required for JSON-B:

            sed -i "s/^work\\.dir=\\/tmp\\/JTwork/$(echo work\\.dir=${HARNESS_WORK_DIR} | sed -e 's/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g; s/\\//\\\\\\//g;')/g" ts.jte
            sed -i "s#\${webServerHome}/modules#/home/jenkins/workspace/TCK_run_pipeline/glassfish5/glassfish/modules#g" ts.jte
            sed -i "s/^report\\.dir=\\/tmp\\/JTreport/$(echo report\\.dir=${HARNESS_REPORT_DIR} | sed -e 's/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g; s/\\//\\\\\\//g;')/g" ts.jte

Or it was that when running the pipeline I needed to pass some system properties (possibly these could also be done creating the ts.jte):

            ant -Dextension.dir=${WORKSPACE}/glassfish5/glassfish/domains/domain1/lib/ext -Ds1as.admin=${WORKSPACE}/glassfish5/glassfish/bin/asadmin
            ant${WORKSPACE}/glassfish5/glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy/ deploy.all
            ant -DwebServerHome=${WORKSPACE}/glassfish5/glassfish/ run.all | tee run.log

Hope it helps,

On Thu, 18 Jul 2019 at 06:23, arjan tijms <arjan.tijms@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Scott,

For running some of the other standalone tests I found it helpful to look at the .sh scripts here: 

Btw as a general comment regarding this one;

sed -i "s/^impl\\.vi\\.deploy\\.dir=/$(echo impl\\.vi\\.deploy\\.dir=\\${web.home}/domains/domain1/autodeploy | sed -e 's/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g; s/\\//\\\\\\//g;')/g" ts.jte

Especially for embedding into a groovy (pipeline) script where the escaping becomes a little over the top, I found it easier to just use another delimiter here for sed. E.g. for JASPIC I'm using:

# Change /sun/glassfish4/glassfish to jaspic.home=${ts.home}/../glassfish5/glassfish
sed -i "s#^jaspic.home=.*#$(echo jaspic.home=${SERVER_HOME})#g" ts.jte

sed -i 's#^harness\.log\.traceflag=#harness\.log\.traceflag=true#g' ts.jte

# Change /tmp/JTwork to work.dir=${ts.home}/../JTwork
sed -i "s#^work.dir=/tmp/JTwork#$(echo work\.dir=${HARNESS_WORK_DIR})#g" ts.jte
sed -i "s#^report.dir=/tmp/JTreport#$(echo report\.dir=${HARNESS_REPORT_DIR})#g" ts.jte

# It's an open question why these settings are not just part of ts.jte to begin with.
# It's also an open question why the Authentication TCK insists on these being defined

echo "" >> ts.jte
echo "" >> ts.jte
echo "javax.persistence.provider=org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider" >> ts.jte
echo "javax.persistence.jdbc.driver=org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver" >> ts.jte
echo "javax.persistence.jdbc.url="" >> ts.jte
echo "javax.persistence.jdbc.user=cts1" >> ts.jte
echo "javax.persistence.jdbc.password=cts1" >> ts.jte
echo "\=OFF" >> ts.jte
echo "persistence.second.level.caching.supported=true" >> ts.jte

Kind regards,

On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 5:03 AM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
JSONB doesn't need the app server to run its standalone TCK, which is why it's not setting javaee.home.

Scott Stark wrote on 7/17/19 5:57 PM:
I added the cat of the ts.jte as suggested by ScottM and it is showing that javaee.home= is empty. Looking at the ts.jte configuartion job, this looks like it is trying to only setup the web.home:
stage('Configure the ts.jte') { sh '''#!/bin/bash -ex sed -i '$ a impl\\.vi=glassfish' ts.jte sed -i "$ a web\\.home=\$(echo \${SERVER_HOME} | sed -e 's/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g; s/\\//\\\\\\//g;')" ts.jte sed -i "s/^impl\\.vi\\.deploy\\.dir=/$(echo impl\\.vi\\.deploy\\.dir=\\${web.home}/domains/domain1/autodeploy | sed -e 's/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g; s/\\//\\\\\\//g;')/g" ts.jte sed -i 's/^harness\\.log\\.traceflag=false/harness\\.log\\.traceflag=true/g' ts.jte sed -i 's/^webServerHost=/webServerHost=localhost/g' ts.jte sed -i 's/^webServerPort=/webServerPort=8080/g' ts.jte sed -i "s/^work\\.dir=\\/tmp\\/JTwork/$(echo work\\.dir=${HARNESS_WORK_DIR} | sed -e 's/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g; s/\\//\\\\\\//g;')/g" ts.jte sed -i "s/^report\\.dir=\\/tmp\\/JTreport/$(echo report\\.dir=${HARNESS_REPORT_DIR} | sed -e 's/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g; s/\\//\\\\\\//g;')/g" ts.jte sed -i "s/^jsonb\\.classes=/$(echo jsonb\\.classes=${JARS_ON_CP} | sed -e 's/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g; s/\\//\\\\\\//g;')/g" ts.jte ''' }
It I look at the base it does not contain a javaee.home, so it looks like sample ts.jte pipeline script from the jsonb probject is not applicable for the CTS.

Looks like a sample pipeline for the CTS for both configuring ts.jte and the run could be useful. Are there any in the repo?

On Jul 17, 2019, at 5:07 PM, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I didn't look at this in detail but from the error it looks like there's a "GlassFish home" setting that's missing somewhere.

Scott Stark wrote on 7/17/19 3:08 PM:
I’m going through setting up the pipeline jobs described on this page:

I have a test2 job there that creates a GF implementation with the replaced coming from the Management-API_EE4J_8_build job

I have a test2_jte job that creates a ts.jte that is a copy of that only updates env.deliverabledir=jakartaee” 

I have a test3 job that is a copy of that updates only these settings:

    // Job that created the API artifact
    def GF_BUILD_JOB = "jenkins://./test2"
    def TS_JTE_BUILD_JOB = "jenkins://./test2_jte"
    def API_JAR_NAME=""
    //TCK properties

The Management-API_EE4J_8_build, test2 and test2_jte jobs run successfully, but the test3 tck run job is failing when it gets to the “Configure TCK” stage with the final console log output being:

     [copy] Copying 1 file to /domains/domain1/lib/ext
Attempt to copy /home/jenkins/workspace/test3/jakartaeetck/lib/cts.jar to /domains/domain1/lib/ext/cts.jar using NIO Channels failed due to 'failed to create the parent directory for /domains/domain1/lib/ext/cts.jar'.  Falling back to streams.

/home/jenkins/workspace/test3/jakartaeetck/bin/build.xml:520: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/jenkins/workspace/test3/jakartaeetck/bin/xml/impl/glassfish/javaee_vi.xml:296: Failed to copy /home/jenkins/workspace/test3/jakartaeetck/lib/cts.jar to /domains/domain1/lib/ext/cts.jar due to /domains/domain1/lib/ext/cts.jar (No such file or directory)

Is there a problem with the ts.jte configuration?

I don’t seem to have access to any of the projects that have a CTS run pipeline setup. Is the example based on jsonb usable as a baseline for running the CTS?

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