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[jakartaee-tck-dev] Is there a nightly build of GlassFish 5.1.something that we can use with Jakarta EE8 CTS testing...


Is there a newer GlassFish build than 5.0.1, that we can use for building the CTS ( Perhaps a nightly GlassFish 5.1.x build?

I am seeing some (WildFly) interop-csiv2 failures with GlassFish 5.0.1, so would like to run against the lastest GlassFish to see what happens.

I got lucky early last week with (no interop_csiv2 failures) but now I get "package javax.el" compile failures with the glassfish-nightly-freestyle and I don't really know what this (glassfish-nightly-freestyle) job is for.


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