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Re: [jakartaee-spec-project-leads] Adding labels to the GitHub issues - Helping new contributors and committers to get involved

Let me try once again with the correct email address!

Hello Jakarta EE Project Leads, EE4J PMC subscribers and TCK project !

I would like to urge you to motivate your teams to add labels to the GitHub issues as we continue to have as one our  strategic goals is to grow number of contributors and committers for all of the projects under EE4J top level project, including all Jakarta / Jakarta EE specifications. The feedback we are continuously getting is that most people still do not know where they can help and to start. With that in mind we do have the below labels created so this can be helpful to new people.

Please propagate this suggestion to all specification / implementation / TCK teams and hopefully it will start to make a difference, among other initiatives that we are working on to involve new contributors and committers .

I wanted to point out a great example on labeling the issues! Thanks everyone involved with the Eclipse Cargo Tracker project for doing this.

Thanks for your help!

Best Regards,



Tanja Obradović

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

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