Executive Summary
Here's the Jakarta EE 11 release plan as of 2023-12-12.
Release review dates
Wave 1, 2, 3, 4 specs to have release review by 2024-01-24.
Wave 1
Wave 2
Jakarta _expression_ Language
Jakarta Interceptors
Jakarta Lang Model (may be released with Jakarta CDI [Core] in wave 3)
Wave 3
Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection
Wave 4
Jakarta JSON Binding
Jakarta Mail
Jakarta SOAP with Attachments
Jakarta XML Binding
Wave 5 specs to have release review by 2024-02-29.
Wave 5
Jakarta Authorization
Jakarta Batch
Jakarta Persistence
Jakarta RESTful Web Services
Jakarta Server Pages
Jakarta Servlet
Jakarta Validation
Jakarta WebSocket
Jakarta XML Web Services
Wave 6, 7 specs release to have review by 2024-03-29.
Wave 6
Jakarta Authentication
Jakarta Concurrency
Jakarta Faces
Jakarta Messaging
Jakarta Standard Tag Library
Jakarta Platform Core Profile
Wave 7
Jakarta Security
Jakarta Data
ACTION: I require all spec leads to respond to this email stating they
acknowledge and accept these dates, or, if they cannot accept these dates, to propose a date they can accept. If you do the latter, note that you may be putting the EE 11 schedule at risk. Please try not to do that.
Milestone releases
Arjan and I will perform milestone releases of the EE 11 platform after each of those above dates. The component specs included in each such milestone release
will be in two buckets:
Release Reviewed: All release reviewed specs at that time.
Remainder: All of the other specs not in the Release Reviewed bucket. For each spec, include the latest available
milestone release, creating a new -M{2,3,4} version as necessary.
Arjan and I request that each component spec perform milestone releases for specs in the Remainder bucket at the appropriate time. If the component spec
needs help doing this, Ed and Arjan can help by just releasing what is available and calling it -M{2,3,4} as appropriate.
M2 will follow the release review of Wave 1, 2, 3, 4 specs.
M3 will follow the release review of Wave 5 specs.
M4 will follow the release review of Wave 6 and 7 specs.
On 2023-12-04 Ed Burns wrote:
Thanks to Nathan Rauh for reminding us to remind you. There has been no change in plans, so please do have your specs ready to enter release review as described
The question arises, "but what about M2?" The answer is: I want to keep these spec milestones decoupled from the software delivery process for milestone releases.
I have been tacking toward completing M1 as a way to see how long we need to do M2. As you can see, we are still working on M1. Let's get M1 out the door planning M2. It is likely that we can look at M2 as a "release candidate" version.
I have a refinement of this plan to share. At the Tuesday 2023-12-12 platform project meeting, we decided to amend the plan to achieve the following objectives:
Address the "what about the milestones?" question.
Address the "not enough time between M1 and "ready for release review" issue.
Apply the commonsense engineering work already encoded in the "Wave list" to the release review and milestone creation process.
The updated plan is summarized above. I have updated the release plan at https://jakartaee.github.io/platform/jakartaee11/JakartaEE11ReleasePlan .
Thanks for your continued dedication to making EE 11 our best release yet.
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