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Re: [jakartaee-spec-project-leads] Module-info handling conventions for EE10


I read that document before I wrote my email.

NOTE:	This document does not yet specify requirements for Java
	platform module system names.

Given that:

- module-info is now being mandated; and
- module name is a required part of module-info;

where can I find rules / guidance / etc for the JPMS module name?

The projects I am involved with have automatic module names defined in the manifest. We could just use those but I'd very much prefer to check them against the rules / guidance / etc before doing so.


On 02/11/2021 15:59, Scott Stark wrote:

These the conventions that we came up with for EE since EE8: <>

Follow up with any questions.


On Nov 2, 2021 at 9:05:16 AM, Mark Thomas <markt@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:markt@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    I'm starting to look at this for the various specs I am involved in.

    Where can I find the rules / guidance / etc for what the module name
    should be?



    On 18/10/2021 15:49, Scott Stark wrote:
    The last platform group meeting seemed to settle on the following
    requirements for spec project API jars:


    If you are producing a Java 8 compatible service release for EE10, an
    example of how to produce the expected format is given there.

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