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Re: [jakartaee-spec-project-leads] Project Status Update request from the Jakarta EE Platform Project

On 01/10/2021 12:52, Ivar Grimstad wrote:
Project Leads,

October 15 is fast approaching and the Jakarta EE Platform project would appreciate some input about the status and the progress of the various specifications targeting Jakarta EE 10.

Please take the time to fill out this short Google Form to provide feedback to the platform project. <>

I have set it up so it is possible to edit the response after you have submitted it. That means that you can share the link with co-project-leads or other members of your project to cooperate on the response.

Please fill out the form sooner rather than later, but at the latest before the Platform call on October 12.

Done for JSP, EL, WebSocket and Servlet.




Ivar Grimstad

Jakarta EE Developer Advocate | *Eclipse Foundation *Eclipse Foundation <>- Community. Code. Collaboration.

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