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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] [DISCUSS] Include Jakarta Data in EE 11

You keep speaking "for Micronaut" and Graeme, but while he may not be in
every project WG meeting he's member of the Jakarta Data project: so it is safe to
assume he aims to represent the interests of Micronaut and it could lead
to an adoption of Jakarta Data.

Why don't you try the same?

Spring Boot is also quite dominating, but when it comes to Native builds
and things like GraalVM, Quarkus was there first and still performs
better in many aspects, thus it's Spring and Spring Boot trying to catch
up there and mimic some features other frameworks established first ;-)


On 13.07.2023 13:13, Oliver Drotbohm via jakartaee-platform-dev wrote:
On 13. Jul 2023, at 12:23, Steve Millidge (Payara) via jakartaee-platform-dev <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

We have a “chicken and egg” problem here. We can’t see how something bakes/matures in the market without shipping it in products.
I respectfully disagree. Given that the Spring Data repository abstraction has been around for more than a decade *and* we haved shipped CDI extensions allowing its usage in a JavaEE / JakartaEE environment for a large chunk of that decade. The Micronaut abstraction [0] largely follows it. Even Quarkus provides an API that mimics its features exactly.

Given that and the adoption rate of Spring Data (2-digit million downloads / month) I fail to see how you can argue that we don't know what's been established in the world out there.



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