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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] EE 11 Lead Survey -- Please review and comment


We discussed this in the Platform call today and came up with the following schedule:

1. Finalize the survey questions - By end of this week (Feb 3)
           Action for all: Review and update the questions
2. Send out the survey to spec teams - Before the Monthly Platform Architecture Call next week (Feb 7) - Ivar
3. Deadline for projects to respond to the survey: one week (Feb 14)


On Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 3:19 AM Ed Bratt <ed.bratt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I volunteered to put together the start of a survey that we can send to all Jakarta EE Project/Committer leads to solicit their plans for the next major release of Jakarta EE. As suggested, I have created a Google document and am soliciting your feedback/input.

The document is: Lead EE 11 Survey Roundup

If I've done it right, anyone should have write permission.

A couple of points:

We don't have a release plan/proposal yet so I just put in place-holders for that. If we had a plan and had reviewed it with more lead members, we could dispense with several questions. For example when we did the survey for EE 10, we just asked if the proposed date was achievable. If my read of the EE Specification page is correct, the only EE Platform specification working under an approved Plan is RESTful Web Services 4. There are affiliated specifications that are working under some active evolution phase (Config, Data, NoSQL, RPC). The remainder of the EE specifications (including the Platform and Platform Profiles) all need to initiate Plan reviews to start working in earnest toward EE 11. Hence the questions on the round-up.

Regardless, please review and either suggest changes, add comments, or just make changes.

One note: I will not be able to attend the EE Platform team call next Tuesday, Jan. 31st. But you needn't wait to make changes / suggestions and/or wholesale rewrites if you feel I've missed the point of this exercise.

I figure, once we have settled on the questions, we can decide how we're going to put this out for feedback (use a survey tool, send out blank documents, etc.).

Regardless, I also think we need to start penciling out the EE Platform proposal/pan so we can get more concrete about what we hope to accomplish, and by when.


-- Ed

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Ivar Grimstad

Jakarta EE Developer Advocate | Eclipse Foundation Eclipse Foundation - Community. Code. Collaboration. 

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