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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] XML Binding TCK Challenge for 16 tests failing due to redirect from http to https

To verify that the XML Binding 4.0 TCK test failures still occur, Guru started and are the latest runs of XML Binding TCK with GF 7 M8.  Thanks Guru!


On 9/10/22 5:47 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:
Many of our TCK tests depend on external websites like  There was a recent change to redirect http to https that seems to impact Jakarta EE 10 implementations that are trying to pass the XML Binding TCK in that 16 tests fail. is the TCK challenge for this that was just created last night.  The issue includes links to articles that discuss what changed at

In theory an application could make corrections to always use https.

I am sending this email to alert a wider audience of the problem. 


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