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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] [jakartaee-tck-dev] [External] : Re: Discussion of enabling JSON-B, JSON-P TCKs to be executed in EE Container (same as previous releases)

> On Apr 12, 2022, at 9:42 PM, Gurunandan Rao <gurunandan.rao@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> JSONB platform testsuite currently has new pluggability tests, since pluggability tests needs to be validated in a container such that conflicts with META-INF/services files, classloaders are detected. Also JSONB CDI tests which are run on servlet vehicle are part of platform TCK test suite(we can use same for validation of NoClassDefFoundErrors from missing dependency jars in a platform), other than Pluggability and CDI tests for JSONB, rest of the test (which don't require a container and use standalone vehicle) should be validated using standalone TCK(in standalone mode[junit tests]).JSONP platform testsuite has pluggability 

I think you've missed this call out I explicitly mentioned:

"When I say that, people should not read that to mean the features of a spec that integrate with other specs.  I mean basic functionality of the component failing when run in a fully integrated container."

So when you say "than Pluggability and CDI tests for JSONB, rest of the test should be validated using standalone TCK" I think you might have misunderstood the feedback.

It is not about pluggability as defined by the specification.  I'm referring to APIs internal to an implementation that can customize basic functionality of how that implementation works.

Does this make sense?


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