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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] [External] : Re: module-info tests

On 10/8/21 2:21 AM, Scott Stark wrote:
But what has been argued by advocates of adding the module-info is that there are runtimes supporting JPMS and Jakarta API jars that cannot make use of tools like jlink because that does not work with automatic modules. To me a compromise is to add the module-info.class, validate it in the spec api jars, but don't test for it via signature or TCK tests.

with activation-tck on JDK 11 I'm able to get:

[javatest.batch] PASSED........javasoft/sqe/tests/api/jakarta/activation/URLDataSource/ [javatest.batch] PASSED........javasoft/sqe/tests/api/jakarta/activation/URLDataSource/
[javatest.batch] Oct 8, 2021, 2:50:58 AM Finished executing all tests, wait for cleanup... [javatest.batch] Oct 8, 2021, 2:50:58 AM Harness done with cleanup from test run.
[javatest.batch] Total time = 30s
[javatest.batch] Setup time = 0s
[javatest.batch] Cleanup time = 0s
[javatest.batch] Test results: passed: 90

and tests themselves are being executed with having jakarta.activation-api.jar on the module path and angus-activation.jar on the classpath (note that I have it quick and dirty just to try it out...). In this setup simple assertEquals("jakarta.activation", DataSource.class.getModule().getName()) in arbitrary test passes. But I agree that activation is probably the simplest one to test this way as it has no dependencies. Another drawback is that this does not cover having the implementation on the module path as well - that is out of scope for EE 10, I believe.


On Oct 7, 2021 at 4:06:18 PM, Tibor Digana <tibordigana@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:tibordigana@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    If there is no business purpose from containers world (never seen
    any such of), it becomes funny to cut a release with JPMS descriptors.
    Just count the cost vs benefits with JPMS change.
    I am awaiting other goals in Jakarta EE:
    1. integrating/repackaging Microprofile into Jakarta
    2. Quarkus on Jakarta EE API
    The first was discussed with IBM and Jakarta some time ago, and the
    second goal is expected from the world of developers.


    On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM Emily Jiang via
    jakartaee-platform-dev <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
    <mailto:jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        I am with Tom on this. If we just superfluously verify such a
        file exists in the api jar, we don't mandate it will be used. In
        other words, JPMS is not forced. I don't see the point of adding
        a tck or even adding this class at all. We either drop it or
        force it. For forcing it, it will need more discussion as we
        have to wait and see how useful it is. If some specs wants to
        add it so that some impls can experiment with it, it is fine.
        However, don't add tcks before we force JPMS.


        On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 4:54 PM Scott Marlow <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx
        <mailto:smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

            On 10/7/21 11:28 AM, Thomas Watson wrote:
            That is essentially my point.  At runtime we have no
            requirement to run in JPMS for the containers. Containers
            that do not run in JPMS should not be forced to provide
            module-infos in their implementation at runtime.  It would
            provide no value to them nor the applications and I argue
            it could limit some possible innovation at the runtime
            implementation level.
            Here is were my inexperience with the TCK shows.  Does the
            TCK signature tests run outside of the container directly
            against some set of JARs provided by the implementation?
            Yes and we use the
            library for doing the signature test verification.


                ----- Original message -----
                From: "Scott Stark" <starksm64@xxxxxxxxx>
                Sent by: "jakartaee-platform-dev"
                To: "jakartaee-platform developer discussions"
                Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev]
                module-info tests
                Date: Thu, Oct 7, 2021 9:43 AM

                If your point is just about that we should only test
                the API jars from the specification project release
                for the module-info, and not in general during
                compatibility testing because we don't have a
                requirement for JPMS in the containers, that is valid,
                and one I probably agree with.
                On Oct 7, 2021 at 9:34:41 AM, Scott Stark
                <starksm64@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:starksm64@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

                    Implementations are not required, but if they do,
                    then how do you certify? Right now the TCK
                    signature tests look to the jars/content provided
                    by the implementation under test. If they have
                    their own versions of the API jars, they need to
                    pass the same requirements as the specification
                    project producing the API jars.
                    On Oct 7, 2021 at 9:24:36 AM, Thomas Watson
                    <tjwatson@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:tjwatson@xxxxxxxxxx>>

                        I did not intent to suggest that apps are only
                        allowed to be compiled against the API JARs
                        from Jakarta projects.  I was asking if
                        implementations are required to provide
                        to such JARs for development purposes? Don't
                        get me wrong, implementations should be
                        allowed to provide such JARs to allow them to
                        provide various developer experiences as they
                        see fit. Open Liberty certainly does provide
                        such JARs for developers to compile against
                        also.  I do think such JARs should conform to
the module-info requirements from Jakarta. But I don't think the specification requires
                        an implementation to provide such JARs for the
                        developer to compile against.
                        If implementations are not required to provide
                        API JARs for compilation/development purposes
                        then I do not see the point of the TCK testing
                        for module-info classes against the
                        implementation.  On the other hand the Jakarta
                        build of the API JARs should contain a test
                        that validates they are providing the correct


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