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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] [EXTERNAL] Re: TCK tests in the same repo as API andSpec

On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 11:37 AM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
In my opinion, shell script integration "doesn't count".

I know how to write a shell script that runs A and then runs B.  That's the easy part.

It is not if you don't have all of the code available in a repo or via a artifact repository. The best we can do is use the existing jakarta-tck repo with the legacy tests in source form, and pull external tests via maven dependencies. A single top-level maven pom or ant build.xml could do this. 
The integration I'd like, and that we may not be able to achieve, is to only have to configure the TCK once - where is the app server, how do I deploy to it, where is the database server, where is the LDAP server, where will I find log file output, how do I configure which tests to run, etc.

If we had unified configuration for "old" and "new" test suites, that would make a big difference.  At some level it's "only software" so it should be possible, but I doubt that it's worth the effort.  I think it's unavoidable that I would need to write both an Aquillian adapter and a CTS deployment adapter to allow me to deploy to my new app server.

Also, remember that JavaTest has a GUI that allows you to configure and run the TCK.  Would we expect to integrate the new style TCKs with that GUI?  I wouldn't think so.

No as this is not applicable to the CI environments most people use to do these runs these days.

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