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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] JDK 8 support for Jakarta EE 9

Kevin Sutter wrote on 1/29/20 12:17 PM:
Can I play devil's advocate?  In the past, Java EE and Jakarta EE would specify a *minimum* level of Java SE that it was requiring.  Java EE 8 and Jakarta EE 8 specified Java SE 8 as the minimum.  But, several application servers also support newer versions of Java SE -- 9, 10, 11, etc.  These application servers didn't necessarily come out and state that they were Java EE 8 or Jakarta EE 8 compatible with Java 11 (for example).  But, the application server documents support for Java 11.  I'm not aware that anybody called "foul" on that and I am by no means advocating for it.
The rule was that you had to be compatible in every configuration that you documented as being supported.  It didn't matter whether you said it was Java EE compatible in that configuration or not, it just had to be.

So, if you buy into that argument, then why wouldn't the reverse also be okay?  Somebody declares they are compliant with Jakarta EE 9 using the required Java SE 11.  But, the application server also supports Java SE 8.  As long as they don't advertise they are compliant using Java SE 8, then there should be no "foul".  End users may end up using Jakarta EE 9 with Java SE 8, but without a formal compliance statement.  If an application server wants to be put on the Compliance page with Java SE 8 as the runtime and advertise their compliance with Java SE 8, then the formal certification would be required.
The same rule is still part of of TCK compatibility rules, so it still applies.  So yes, if they support Java SE 8, they have to be Jakarta EE 9 compatible on Java SE 8.

The difference between the JCP approach and the Eclipse approach is that the JCP approach was enforced by lawyers and the Eclipse approach is enforced by the community through transparency.  Without the published TCK results on Java SE 8, how would the community check that they really were compatible on Java SE 8?  Surely the community isn't expected to run the TCK themselves just to prove that the vendor is compatible.

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