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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] VOTE: Specifications to Prune in Jakarta EE 9

I'm thinking that if/when we approve the current vote, then we just modify the wording in the release plan.  I think this clarification will make it easier for everyone to understand what exactly is being removed from an EJB programming model viewpoint.

Kevin Sutter
STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect
e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    

From:        "Steve Millidge (Payara)" <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To:        Kevin Sutter <sutter@xxxxxxxxxx>, jakartaee-platform developer discussions <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:        11/21/2019 06:37
Subject:        [EXTERNAL] RE: [jakartaee-platform-dev] VOTE: Specifications to Prune in Jakarta EE 9

OK shall we redraft the vote for pruning and kick it off again for the sake of clarity or if approved shall I add this clarified content to the release plan?


From:Kevin Sutter <sutter@xxxxxxxxxx>
20 November 2019 20:25
jakartaee-platform developer discussions <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Steve Millidge (Payara) <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
RE: [jakartaee-platform-dev] VOTE: Specifications to Prune in Jakarta EE 9


Could we clarify that all of the items listed in the EJB 3.2 Optional Feature spec are included in the "removal" proposal below?  Some of them are explicitly called out, while others are implied.  For example, if we remove RPC, then that implies that the RPC Client View for EJB is also removed.

Here's the list from the Ch 2 Overview of the EJB 3.2 Optional Feature spec:

This document describes features for which support has been made optional as of the 3.2 release of the Enterprise JavaBeans
TM specification:
EJB 2.1 Entity Bean Component Contract for Container-Managed Persistence
EJB 2.1 Entity Bean Component Contract for Bean-Managed Persistence
EJB 1.1 Entity Bean Component Contract for Container-Managed Persistence
Client View of an Entity Bean
EJB QL: Query Language for Container-Managed Persistence Query Methods
JAX-RPC Based Web Service Endpoints
JAX-RPC Web Service Client View.


Kevin Sutter
STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect
sutter@xxxxxxxxxx    Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    

Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx>
jakartaee-platform developer discussions <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Steve Millidge (Payara)" <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
11/17/2019 15:42
[EXTERNAL] Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] VOTE: Specifications to Prune in Jakarta EE 9
Sent by:        


Steve Millidge (Payara) wrote on 11/17/19 8:56 AM:

See previous email for context.


All committers please vote on this proposal for specifications to be pruned from the Jakarta EE 9 platform specifications.


The following specifications will be *removed* from Jakarta EE 9 Full profile specification.

- Jakarta XML Registries JSR 93

- Jakarta XML RPC  JSR 101

- Jakarta Deployment JSR 88

- Jakarta Management JSR 77 note this was not optional or deprecated in Java EE 8

- Jakarta Enterprise Bean entity beans – Note this is old style CMP and BMP entity beans NOT JPA Entities

- Jakarta Enterprise Bean interoperability

- Jakarta Enterprise Bean 2.x and 1.x client view

- Jakarta Enterprise Web Services  JSR 109


Please vote by reply with +1, 0, -1 in accordance with the Eclipse Development Process.




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