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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] VOTE: Specifications to add in Jakarta EE 9

Tibor Digana wrote on 11/17/19 8:00 PM:
> Very nice plan but I would like to say that two important things are missing:
> 1. Pls release the individual APIs to the Maven Central without waiting for
> the whole umbrella EE 9 has finished.
> If the API does not necessarily wait for another pending API then cut a release.
> The speed is extremely important, otherwise releasing all APIs in the umbrella
> would make no difference from JCP regarding the speed of release.
> Remember that Spring/Pivotal makes frequent releases and we have to be fast as
> well.
The plan is for releases of the platform.  We haven't said anything about
releases of individual APIs, but largely I would expect that they would be
released as you suggest, modulo coordination of API releases that would be
required for a platform release.

> 2. The next thing is that i expected Jakarta EE 9 been aligned with Java SE 9
> implementing the Java Modularity in EE APIs.
> Otherwise, the version 8.1.0 would be just fine to have -> new features in
> minor version (1).
> This release model provides very fast response according to the user requirements.
> The features always become small, independently released and fast available.
> You may release alpha versions from git branch for vendors of application
> servers and release candidates.
We explicitly decided not to synchronize Jakarta EE platform version numbers
with Java SE version numbers.

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