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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Running TCK

I'm not familiar with all the individual TCKs, but something like JSONP or JSONB should be easy to run.  They shouldn't require GlassFish.

The next step up would be something that requires GlassFish, perhaps the Servlet TCK.

And try Jakarta Mail, which requires a separate mail server for testing.

If all that goes smoothly, go ahead and try running the entire platform TCK against GlassFish.  As Arjan said, that will take a very long time to run, and you can't effectively run it against any other server without a corresponding "porting kit".  The porting kit might be available for other open source application servers.

Part of the challenge is in debugging the inevitable failures, which are almost always caused by configuration errors.

Ryan Cuprak wrote on 9/27/19 2:40 PM:

This wiki page makes it look deceptively simple:

What type of effort is involved? 

What’s a good TCK to start with? 


On Sep 27, 2019, at 5:21 PM, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Running the complete platform TCK is a huge amount of effort.  If you've read all the instructions, including the TCK Users Guide that's included in the TCK download, and you still can't make it work, you'll need to ask a more specific question.

I strongly recommend that you start with one of the simpler individual TCKs that works with a standalone implementation, just to get a general idea of how the TCKs work.  The platform TCK is orders of magnitude more complex than the individual TCKs.

Ryan Cuprak wrote on 9/27/19 2:08 PM:
How does one run the Jakarta EE TCK? I tried checking out what I think is the code and following the instructions here:

 Has anyone run the TCK? I would like to run it against a couple of different implementations and get a better sense of how it is implemented etc.



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