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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] [] CTS 8.0.1 and JSONB TCK 1.0.1

David Blevins

> On Sep 6, 2019, at 2:52 PM, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> David Blevins wrote on 9/5/19 3:45 PM:
>> We don't have an established protocol for handling updates like this.  I propose the following as a bare minimum:
>>  - JSONB 1.0.1: We get TCK verifications from *both* GlassFish 5.1 and OpenLiberty in the form of JSONB certification requests against the new sha256.  We then publish immediately.  I published the 1.0.0 TCK moments ago, so I'm happy to do that.
> It would be Yasson, not GlassFish, and whatever implementation OpenLiberty is using.  I don't think we need a new certification request for Yasson since we're not required to upgrade to the new version of the TCK, but we'll run it anyway to make sure the TCK is working.

Right, ensuring the TCK was working was the primary goal.

Spirit of the idea was, when we have an updated TCK, let's establish a practice of requiring at least one existing certified impl to vouch for it and in some way to record that we did it.

Instead of a new certification request, a comment with the sha on the already approved certification request could also work.

> OpenLiberty isn't planning to certify the components until sometime later, so I don't think we need to hold up the JSONB TCK release until then.
>>  - CTS 8.0.1: We get TCK verifications from *both* GlassFish 5.1 and OpenLiberty in the form of Full and Web Profile certification requests against the new sha256.  We hold the binaries, add this additional TCK link and certification requests to the Web and Full PRs.  We publish all TCKs when the votes complete.
> Yes, we'll publish the 8.0.1 version of the platform and web profile TCKs after the specs are approved.
> Note: I think the spec web pages should always refer to the latest versions of the TCKs, so when we publish these new versions we'll update the spec web pages to refer to them instead of the previous versions.  The previous versions are still valid and still available, so if you're already using them you can continue using them, but anyone looking at the spec pages to find the TCK should find the latest version.



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