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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Java EE Guardians Statement on Oracle/Eclipse Agreement

Hi Ryan,

here is my opinion concerning the Java EE transition to Jakarta EE:

  • javax* should be replaced by jakarta* at a one-time, immediate transition!
    Get rid of old things and show the community that a new platform is rising (I know that technical this is not so easy as it sounds)
  • Jakarta EE 9 should contain the core components (EJB, JSF, Servlet, Jax-Rs, CDI) and made it available sooner
    We do not need to support backward compatibility in this situation. Everyone who need to ran a legacy application can use one of the available Java EE Application servers.
  • Jakarta EE should include the Eclipse Microprofile APIs : Config, Metrics, Health and fault-tolerance in its core.
    In long-term Microprofile should become part of Jakarta EE.
    For now most Open Application Servers (OpenLiberty, Payara, Wildfly) already support Microprofile and so if Jkarata EE 9 does not include Microprofile in its core spec, this is not the biggest problem


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