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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Transitioning Jakarta EE to the jakarta namespace

An area that I don't think has been mentioned yet is documentation.  Sorry if it has and I've missed it.  If we take a step back and look through the eyes of the everyday user, I believe it would be very cumbersome and confusing to have books, tutorials, and articles that contained different namespaces due to an incremental approach.  The users would really have to be on top of the versions they are using while reading and trying to learn.  

The big bang approach, in my opinion, would make learning a bit easier from a users perspective.  If they were to pick up a book written on Jakarta EE 9, then all package renames would be documented...and the book would still be relevant down the road when Jakarta EE 10 or 11 are released.  It would be almost as if Jakarta EE 9+ is a completely new platform...a fresh start, as others have said.

If we were to choose an incremental approach, it seems that books and tutorials would almost be obsolete each time a new release comes out.  

Thanks for reading.

On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 10:58 AM Rieon Ke <rieon@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have opened a PR to add transitive dependencies list,
Am I heading in the right direction?  is this what we want?

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