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[jakartaee-examples-dev] Volunteering for Jakarta Examples


I'm a long time Java developer and would like to volunteer some time to J2EE, or Jakarta EE as it is now. I thought I might ease back into it with some work on examples and/or docs. I've previously worked with JPA, CDI, and JSF mostly and blogged quite a bit about it a few years ago (  I've long been an advocate for J2EE and making it accessible through those blog posts and I'd like to continue that by way of contributing to the Jakarta projects themselves.

I've had a peek through the examples at and also at the cargo app. I have had a look at the issues for the examples project, but most content is getting on for over 2 years old.

My first impressions would be that most of the examples are minimalist, consisting of a couple of classes showing a particular feature, which is OK, it shows people just the bits they need to add to a class to get a feature working. There isn't much accompanying documentation to describe what that feature does or how it can be used. I noticed there is an issue #8 to Describe the JPA examples which might be a good place to start. Most of those issues don't have much info in them so if anyone has thoughts on what they should do, let me know.

I'm also wondered whether there is interest in another larger application which showcases the more modern features of JEE and Java. It could include documenting the features showing why they are used as well as how. I'm looking for a bit of a project to take on, and that might fit the bill, but for now, I can start by working with some of the existing examples or writing any missing one.

If you have any thoughts or ideas on where to start, please chime in!


Andy Gibson

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