I am curious what other hooks exist for PR's in this GitHub repo,
like any type of CI/CD that runs for PR's (if even just running tests).
For the moment none, but as an Eclipse project a Jenkins instance can be requested, and it will then appear here:
https://ci.eclipse.org That will add a hook for that, we don't need to add that ourselves.
All committers have access to the Jenkins instance.
Running tests is pretty much the main purpose of this project ;)
Does anyone have access to the repo settings?
Yes, Dmitry and Ivar have access among others. They are org (eclipse-ee4j) wide.
Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms
Maybe a next step is to elect/choose repo maintainer(s) so that we can get PR's approved and Manfred can relax on the beach now that he has retired
I have just submitted a pull request, my first ever, for jakartaee-examples. It consists of The Learning Servlet along with a minor error correction to the parent pom file. As requested it is in the same style as all other individual projects and does not use
any external libraries. There is a simple test that deploys the web site and then clicks on a button to execute the servlet.
Feel free to make any suggestions or criticisms. I hope to submit more especially as I have figured out how to do it, finally.
Ken Fogel
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