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Re: [jakartabatch-dev] Home for jbatch-arquillian-extension ? TCK Runner repos?


Maybe one step further, what about seeing if we can move Arquillian-core itself over to Eclipse and maintain it as the official TCK connector?

Arquillian core at its current location hasn't seen that much activity:


Kind regards,

On Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 10:30 PM Scott Kurz <skurz@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Following Ondro's lead,   I can appreciate separating out the Arquillian extension and the "TCK runner" modules from the core TCK .. but.. where then to put them?

I can imagine the TCK doc will probably want to reference a runner as an example.  

I suppose we could ask to start a new ee4j GitHub repo, not sure it's worth it.    I'm not completely convinced we shouldn't just roll this into the batch-tck repo in fact as another couple of modules (with the down side of polluting the commit history with updates unrelated to the core).

If no one is too especially interested, I could see myself probably building on Ondro's example and cleaning this up a bit and adding a runner project the: repo.
(It'd probably be geared mostly towards Open Liberty and Glassfish, at least to start.)

Ondro, did you have any plans here?  

Scott Kurz
WebSphere / Open Liberty Batch and Developer Experience

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