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[jakartabatch-dev] Batch 2.1 update - TCK Junit5/Arq changes merged !

Hi all, it's been a quiet summer for Jakarta Batch, but I'm hoping to still take the spec through to a 2.1 in the next couple of months.  

Let me touch base on our status by first listing some TCK updates:

I have gone ahead and merged Ondro's conversion of the TCK to use JUnit 5: which also enables use of Arquillian through the JUnit 5 Arquillian extension.

A big thank you to Ondro for doing that work and blogging about it !   Also thanks to Romain for many insights and discussion contributions as well.

Some key TCK tracking links and remaining TODOs:

The work remaining for the TCK for 2.1 is tracked in milestone:

The main item in this list is the "refactor" to standalone TCK for which I've broken down some sub-tasks:

One subtask that I think is more interesting is how to have a test that only runs in EE but is a "no-op" essentially in SE:
That might be something we need to get other opinions on, from the platform team etc.

And finally worth noting, a TODO to include some tests enforcing CDI integration, at least with the existing scopes like @ApplicationScoped and @Dependent

OK, that's the TCK but what are we doing with the rest of the spec / API?  

Well, as a minimal release, I could see going with something like:
  - CDI integration defined
  - anything else minor / uncontroversial we want to add
along with our new refactored TCK.      

And we can't really add anything without having TCK backing, which is why the TCK is the main item on my radar at the moment.

Appreciate your thoughts and contributions,
Scott Kurz
WebSphere / Open Liberty Batch and Developer Experience

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