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  • Re: [] join the working group, (continued)
  • [] Election process and schedule for Jakarta EE working group committees, Paul White
  • [] Use of Jakarta EE in EE4J project names, Ivar Grimstad
  • [] Fw: Establishing Jakarta EE working group committees, Ian Robinson
  • [] Jakarta EE Champions, David Blevins
  • [] Establishing Jakarta EE working group committees, Paul White
  • [] Request to Join, Dennis Gesker
  • [] Committer Member in the Jakarta EE WG, Ivar Grimstad
  • [] Jakarta EE WG, MDeNicola@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • [] Archives of / mailing list, Paul White
  • [] Creation of the Jakarta EE Working Group, Mike Milinkovich
  • Welcome to, portal on behalf of emo

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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