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[] Jakarta EE Working Group Committee Election Announcement


The Jakarta EE Working Group Charter [1] identifies three key committees to drive the various facets of the working group for which there are annual elected positions to be filled: the Steering Committee, the Specification Committee, and the Marketing and Brand Committee. 

The elected positions are to represent each of the Enterprise Members, Participant Members, and Committer Members.  Note that Strategic Members each have a representative appointed to these committees, and thus Strategic member companies do not participate in this election.  

Through this email, we are announcing that the Foundation will hold elections on behalf of the working group using the proposed timetable listed below.  

All members are encouraged to consider nominating someone for the positions, and self-nominations are welcome. The period for nominations is September 8, 2021 - September 16, 2021. Nominations should be sent to this mailing list indicating related Committee/Seat.

Once nominations are closed, we will announce the candidates, and will distribute ballots via email.  The election process will follow the Eclipse “Single Transferable Vote” method, as defined in the Eclipse Bylaws [2].  

The winning candidates will be announced on this mailing list shortly after the elections are concluded.  

Election Schedule 

Nomination Period:  September 8, 2021 - September 16, 2021

Election Period: September 21 - 28, 2021

Winning Candidates Announced: September 30, 2021

The following positions will be filled as part of this election: 

Steering Committee

One seat allocated for Participant Members

One seat allocated for Committer Members

Specification Committee

One seat allocated for Participant Members

One seat allocated for Committer Members

Marketing and Brand Committee

One seat allocated for Participant Members

One seat allocated for Committer Members

Please note while all Committees provide for two seats allocated for Enterprise Members, there are currently only two Enterprise level members of the working group.  As a result, there is no requirement to hold an election for those seats.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

[1]  [2]  

Best Regards,



Zahra Fazli

Membership Coordinator | Eclipse Foundation

Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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