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Re: [] Welcome jadeva GmbH to the JakartaEEWorkingGroup

It’s definitely good to have more consultancies and „Integrators“ like myself in the WG regardless of their size, but of course a slightly bigger company has the Advantage that they usually have more consultants in parallel working with Technologies like Jakarta EE.


So we often see the reality at customers on-site (or remotely right now ;-) which may differ from the experience or priorities of bigger or smaller vendors even if some of them also have some people help their customers in actual projects.




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Von: Steve Millidge (Payara)
Gesendet: Montag, 22. Februar 2021 19:40
An: Jakarta EE Working Group
Betreff: Re: [] Welcome jadeva GmbH to the JakartaEEWorkingGroup


Hi Claudia,


Welcome to the group. Having an organisation focussed on using Jakarta EE will bring another valuable perspective. I look forward to working together.






From: <> On Behalf Of Claudia Geiger
Sent: 22 February 2021 18:16
To: Jakarta EE Working Group <>
Subject: Re: [] Welcome jadeva GmbH to the Jakarta EEWorkingGroup


Hi everyone,


first of all I want to thank you, Tanja, for introducing us to the community!

We are all happy and excited to be part of your community and we are looking forward to working with you!

Let me give you a short overview of our company.


We are based in Stuttgart – close to Ludwigsburg which many of you already seem to know. 😊  Our team consists of developers, scrum masters and product owners since we follow agile development methods.  The company itself was founded in 2010 as OZ Solutions and renamed into jadeva UG in 2012.


To answer your question, Werner: we were founded as an UG and just rebranded from UG to GmbH last Thursday which means we are currently “GmbH in Gründung/in the course of formation” until the Handelsregister changed the entry which usually takes up to 2 weeks from the appointment at the notary. So we are something in between until they changed the entry but will work as a GmbH from now on and yes – the website is us 😊 We are still changing all entries since we also just moved to another location also last week. I hope this clears the situation a bit if not, don’t hesitate to contact me again!


The name was chosen because our focus was and still is on software development with Java/Jakarta. We accompany entire IT projects from planning to roll-out but also consult ongoing projects.

Due to our technological focus it was an important step for us to join the community since it is our wish to contribute and support the development of Jakarta. We see networking and learning from each other as an important part in the growth of a company. Not only in numbers, but also in knowledge.

Speaking of us – Stephan, our CTO is one of the initial founders of the company who loves developing in Java and my humble self, Claudia, I am the CEO of the company and originally worked in the sea- and airfreight logistics and joined the company two years ago.


I want to thank Perri, Tanja and Karen for the warm welcome and helping us getting into the community.


Wishing all of you a nice evening and sending many greeting from Stuttgart!

Claudia on behalf of the jadeva team





Von: <> Im Auftrag von Werner Keil
Gesendet: Montag, 22. Februar 2021 19:06
An: Jakarta EE Working Group <>
Betreff: Re: [] Welcome jadeva GmbH to the Jakarta EEWorkingGroup


According to the Unternehmensregister it doesn’t and I know a little bit about such company forms in Germany and elsewhere ;-)


Who made that banner and statement?




Von: Werner Keil
Gesendet: Montag, 22. Februar 2021 18:56
An: Jakarta EE Working Group
Betreff: Re: [] Welcome jadeva GmbH to the Jakarta EEWorkingGroup


Btw, is there more than one company named „Jadeva“ or has the „jadeva UG“ recently graduated into a GmbH?

Because the Website still says „jadeva UG“.




Von: Werner Keil
Gesendet: Montag, 22. Februar 2021 18:03
An: Jakarta EE Working Group
Betreff: Re: [] Welcome jadeva GmbH to the Jakarta EE WorkingGroup


Hello Tanja/all,


Good to hear. I just had an interview about Jakarta EE for the customer magazine of a German consultancy, I already pointed out momentum and growth, but if the new page or numbers you have is even more exciting, I assume they could factor that in before the issue of that Magazine goes out.


Kind Regards,



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Von: Tanja Obradovic
Gesendet: Montag, 22. Februar 2021 17:15
An: Jakarta EE Working Group
Betreff: [] Welcome jadeva GmbH to the Jakarta EE Working Group


Hello All,

I'd like to share the great news with You, and welcome our new participant member  jadeva GmbH  to the Jakarta EE Working Group!

The Jakarta EE members page will be updated shortly with the new addition and I would like to invite Claudia Geiger and Stephan Zubke, to further introduce the company and themselves.

It is great to see the Jakarta EE Working Group and our community is continuously growing.

Best Regards,



Tanja Obradovic

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration





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